

reunions... are among the most exciting and precious moments in life. i have quite a few coming up, each and every one of which makes me feel giddy whenever i think about them. first up: schwester! Heathrow will not know what hit it this Sunday. TD is making a coincidental 5-hour stopover (thanks mama!) in Heathrow on her way to Munich this Sunday. needless to say after two nights in a row out, I will be out of commission and ready for some greasy hangover food and a lot of schwesterly loving. Only a few days after that glorious reunion, I get my mama back. and my frenz. and my apartment, and although we haven't met yet, i think we are going to like each other quite a bit...

so, to all those i have the precious pleasure of reuniting with next week, and to those who i wish i could, goodnight from London, I love and miss you all terribly.

a little goodnight song